欧锦赛进球盛宴 误打误撞乌龙成王者 年轻天才亚马尔频创纪录 贝林屡屡遭遇恶犯
07-14 16:24
Tonight, the climax of the European Championship will be revealed! At 3 o'clock in the morning, Spain will face England, with rising star "the Matador" taking on the star-studded Three Lions. Let's take a look back at the data of this European Championship:
So far, a total of 114 goals have been scored in the tournament, averaging 2.28 goals per game, with an average of 39 minutes per goal.
Distribution of goals by time period:
1-15 minutes: 16 goals
16-30 minutes: 23 goals
31-45 minutes: 9 goals
First half stoppage time: 3 goals
46-60 minutes: 17 goals
61-75 minutes: 16 goals
76-90 minutes: 16 goals
90+ minutes: 12 goals
First half of extra time: 1 goal
Second half of extra time: 1 goal
【Team Rankings】
Biggest goal difference in a match: Germany 5-1 Scotland
Fastest goal in European Championship history: Baillamier (Albania) 23 seconds
【Player Rankings】
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