球队喜迎乌莫贾-吉布森加盟 助力球队追寻辉煌
08-25 22:33
And it's official! The signing of Umoja Gibson by Qingdao Guoxin Haitian Basketball Club has been confirmed. After friendly discussions and the scrutiny of the CBA company, Umoja Gibson will now represent Qingdao Guoxin Haitian in the upcoming 2024-2025 CBA season.
Welcome to the Qingdao Guoxin family, Umoja Gibson! It is believed that his arrival will significantly enhance the team's competitiveness and contribute to a successful season. Umoja Gibson, born on July 4th, 1998, stands at a height of 185cm, weighs 77kg, and has a wingspan of 196cm. He plays as a guard.
Umoja Gibson is renowned for his scoring ability, particularly excelling in outside shooting. He also exhibits impressive ball-handling skills, often penetrating the defense to score. Not only is Gibson a prolific scorer, but he also possesses great passing vision, creating scoring opportunities for his teammates. With his 196cm wingspan, he enjoys a clear advantage on the defensive end, especially in terms of steals. In the 2022-2023 season, Gibson recorded a remarkable 61 steals, placing him second in the Big East Division. In his debut in the German league this year, he secured five steals in a single game.
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